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Our Technical Details

Crystalline Sugar/Grains/Pulses/ etc.

1000 g to 5000 g

Heat sealable laminate

Center sealed pillow bag

Maximum (320 mm wide x 450 mm long.)

Up to 16 bags per minute depending on bag size and portion weight of product

The set performance, however is subject to the following factors :
• Product properties and behavior (free flowing)
• Product weight to be packed
• Constant product in-feed to the weighing hopper
• Packaging material quality and properties/ characteristics
• The machine output rate and performance will be depending on packaging material
• Maintenance of dust proof environment for the machine.
• Stabilized incoming electrical power supply.

  1. Vertical Form Fill and Seal machine with three head electronic weighing system with supporting structure.
  2. One tube forming shoulder assembly as per your specific requirement.
  3. Photo mark scanner assembly for panel printed material.
  4. Minimum and maximum bag width shall be 160 mm to 320 mm respectively.
  5. Minimum and maximum bag length shall be 200 mm 450 mm respectively.
  6. The weighing bucket can accommodate product volume of 8000 ml (max).
  7. The weighing system can weigh product from 1000 g to 5000 g
  8. The system output shall be 12 to 16 bags per minute depending on bag size. Product weighing accuracy will be better than the data suggested by “Package Commodity Act”, as per Legal Metrology department, Government of India.
The System Consists of Vertical Form, Fill and Seal Machine model PRIME – 400 with weighing system. The weighing system consists of two weighing heads. The product to weighing bucket is delivered from machine hopper by gravity flow.
Technical Specifications of VFFS Machine Model MWB 400
Bagging machine construction is in mild steel tube and plates with safety enclosure Bag pulling operation: Intermittent- Belt carrier movement by pneumatic cylinders with adjustable force- Operational control “On touch screen” Machine control: By PLC with CE marked Touch screen HMI as machine operator interface and three level, “Password” protection for machine access. Horizontal seal jaws: Driven by servo motor with adjustable jaw opening gap and sealing force. The sealing jaws moving speed is adjustable as per requirement. Operational control “On touch screen” Bag length operation: Bag length control device is operated by servomotor and worm gearboxes with adjustable bag pulling belt speed. For panel printed packaging material photo scanner device is incorporated. Bag length operation control is through touch screen. Special program is provided to reach optimum bag pulling speed to suit the laminated packaging material to be used. Horizontal sealing jaws: For consistent and precise sealing of bags at this station the jaws are coated with “Nedox” (wear resistance coating) Temperature control for sealing jaws: PID type controllers have been incorporated to achieve +/- 0.1 degree Celsius accuracy. The jaw temperatures can be easily set and indicated on touch screen. Packaging material roll is mounted on air shaft for ease of mounting and dismounting. The packaging material is unwound by drive driven by gearbox and servomotor. The unwinding speed of packaging material is automatically set by PLC depending on machine output rate per minute and the bag length. Maximum packaging material roll diameter is 400 mm Packaging material storage: With the help of dancing roller sufficient packaging material up to two bags is stored. At the same time sufficient web tension is automatically maintained in the packaging material. Web tracking: For smooth and uninterrupted operation of machine, web tracking system is provided on machine with optical sensor. PLC controls this device driven by geared motor. Vertical seal: This device is mounted on a frame with easy setting to suit tube forming diameter. The desired sealing force depending on type of laminate can be easily set through compressed air pressure regulator. Bag slider: The formed bag moves on this slider before landing on bag conveyor. Electrical control panel: This panel is mounted on right hand side of machine frame structure. All electrical devices such as PLC, isolation transformers, servomotor drives, MCBs and HMI are mounted on control panel. To cool electrical devices cooling fan with inlet air filter is incorporated. Air pressure safety switch: If the compressed air pressure falls below the set level, machine operation is automatically stopped by PLC. Door safety device: For the safety of machine operator the machine is stopped automatically if machine door is opened. The machine stops automatically when packaging material on roll is exhausted. Air removing pads near horizontal seal station are provided to remove air from filled bag. Dust collecting points are provided on forming tube, drop hopper, near weigh filling system To remove static charge on packaging material, static charge eliminator device is incorporated on machine. Weighing system: Four weighing heads are provided. Weighing container volume is 8000 ml. Weighing system is supported by super structure made from mild steel tubes. Safety railing and ladder is also incorporated on structure. Bag cutting device: This device is incorporated with sharp cutting knife driven by pneumatic cylinders. The product flow rate is controlled by a flow regulator driven by stepper motor. Our weighing system do not require conventional electromagnetic vibratory product feeder. Number of weighing cycles and accuracy in weighing will depend on portion weight of product and bulk density. The bag width can be changed by using suitable forming tube format. The maximum possible width of bag is 320 mm.
Weighing system: This system consists of
  • Weighing container
  • product feeder to weighing container
  • Load cell
  • Product hopper
  • Pusher mechanism to empty weighing container
  • Electrical control panel with PLC and touch screen
  • Electrical control panel with PLC and touch screen
  • Super structure for weighing system

1.0 Weighing container: This weighing container is supported by load cell. The load cell is located in dust proof enclosure and suitably protected from abnormal shock loads. By gravity this weighing container receives product from product feeder. Two bottom flaps hold the product in weighing container during weighing operation. The product can be discharged by operating pushing mechanism. This weighing container can receive 8000 ml product and can be used to weigh from 1 kg to 5 kg.
2.0 Product feeder: This assembly is made from stainless steel material. Two flaps are located at the bottom are driven by gearbox, sector gears and stepper motor. Product from product hopper is delivered to product feeder by gravity. In case of failure of electrical power supply, product flow to product feeder is stopped automatically by a sliding flap driven by pneumatic cylinder. The flow rate to weighing container is controlled by two moving flaps. The PLC regulates the feed rate of product on getting signal from load cell. Bulk and dribble feeds are possible due to variable flap openings.
3.0 Load cell: A strain gauge type load cell is used. The weighing container is supported by load cell. This load cell is connected to digital signal processing unit located in panel box. The digitally processed signal is communicated to PLC for weight interpretation.
Weighing process:
The regulated product is delivered to weighing container. The bulk and dribble feed settings are derived from signal processing. The bulk and dribble set points can be set on touch screen. The resolution of weight depends on the set weighing target. The resolution is described as 10000th part of target weight. For example for 5000 g target weight the resolution will be 0.5 g. Product that is weighed from four weighing machines is delivered to drop hopper. The constant product flow to weighing container is ensured by gravity and remains same as compared to product flow derived from electromagnetic vibratory feeder. It is possible to reach higher number weighings per minute and accuracy in weighing.